5 Ways You Are Hampering Your First Impression In A Job Interview

Interviews are tricky and first impression in a job interview is everything, you cannot afford a bad impression the first time.

Being the best candidate for the job often means being the person who performs better than other applicants in the selection process. However, going for an interview does not always mean that you have to be interrogated. There are times when though you know everything about the company, you are not able to contemplate on the hot seat.

Interviews are tricky and you cannot afford to make a bad impression, the first time you’re meeting the hiring manager. Though unknowingly, but there could be a number of ways you are making a bad impression on the manager. We tell you about a few such ways.

Concentrating only on one skill

Nobody other than you knows the reasons for your change in job. Maybe you are making a career change and are not very proficient in skills that are required for the job. By concentrating only on one skill you are conveying the interviewer about your inabilities. It is suggested to be excited about a particular side of the job, but losing the big picture could put your name in the list of rejected applicants. So make sure that while you talk about your best skills, you also talk about skills you’re proficient in.

Less proficiency is your strength

When talking about your strengths and weaknesses, remember that your strength is not anything which you are better at. It is that which you are best at. For example if your weakness is unable to communicate in a local language, communicating in a language you understand but cannot speak, is not your strength. Your strength is a language which would never stop you from communicating in the nest possible way.

Not talking about your achievements

In you have been unsuccessful in achieving something you have wanted since long, sit and look back at your achievements. There’s a thin line between boasting and talking about your achievements. Your admiration of those talents which you think nobody else has, is a fragment of how you work on your negative qualities. So when talking of your professional achievements, see to it that it does not sound as if you’re boasting. Stories are a great way to impress people.

You want the job for yourself

Contemplate on the objective statement you mentioned on your resume. Know that recruiting managers are not very impressed by they who prefer their professional growth and learning over the organization’s profit. Therefore, showing that what you know about the company, rather than focusing on what you can do for the company and learn in return, may not leave a good impression on the recruiting manager.

Using phrases even you don’t understand

Anybody can use fancy words. Imagine a situation where you are being interviewed, and your interviewer is using terms you just do not understand. Talk in a language and tone which sounds humble to the recruiting interviewer. Put yourself in the place of your interviewer and think of the answers you’d want to know more about.

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