What Not To Do When Travelling Alone

It’s the vacation season once again and we all have elaborate plans for the summer. But if you’re planning to travel to gorgeous locations on your own, you have to keep certain points in mind. It might be fun to explore places alone …

It’s the vacation season once again and we all have elaborate plans for the summer. But if you’re planning to travel to gorgeous locations on your own, you have to keep certain points in mind. It might be fun to explore places alone without others attacking your every movie, but it need always be safe. Here are few things that you should not do…read on:

Checking-in at all times:
Yes, we know how much fun it is to tell your friends and families what you’re doing, every minute of the day. But that doesn’t mean that you constantly update your location to all and sundry. It can certainly make stalkers and other criminals to stake you out. Do you really want that? While uploading pictures are fun and cool, updating your location is not a great thing to do. If you’re on your own at a different location, country or continent.

Only plastic money:
One mistake all travellers make is to carry more plastic money than actual cash as they find it safer. Even though it’s safer, it does make you feel helpless when you have to hunt for an ATM in the middle of the night. It’s better to carry cash, split it and store it so you won’t lose everythinging, in case you get robbed. As most tourist spots want money than cards and cheques, it’s a good idea to carry change on you.

Couch-sharing options:
It’s a great way to learn about a country or city, when you couch-share or stay with a ‘host’ than spend on hotels and dorms. But these options are just not safe. It doesn’t matter if you’re girl or a boy, staying with strangers is not advisable in this day and age. Only if you know that person inside out and are sure that nobody else would be sharing the room with you, should you consider this option. Hotels are safer for single travellers, so you should opt for them.

Hooking-up with fellow travellers:
If you spot another single traveller, your instinct might urge you to befriend them, but that could be a big mistake. The reason you wanted to travel alone was to discover yourself and explore the world from your perspective rather than someone else’s. If you hook-up on the go, you might be made to travel according to their choices and wants. Moreover, it might not even be safe. Avoid.All.That. Keep your interactions minimal, friendly and casual.

When you’re travelling on your own the next time, do keep these thoughts in mind so you can engage without having to look over your back. Go ahead, have a great vacation!

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