Girls, These Are 7 Beauty Products You Need To Replace Right Now!


5.  Bleach Creams

Skin bleaching is popular with darker-skinned folks to obtain a fairer and even skin tone. Hydroquinone cream, the most common type of skin bleach can result in undesirable effects and significant skin damage. Hydroquinone is a fairly caustic substance with known adverse effects on the skin, including redness, peeling, a rash, dryness and burning where you’ve applied the cream. Strong chemical bleach breaks down the oils that are supposed to keep your skin soft and supple and prevent formation of wrinkles.

If at all skin whitening is imperative to you, use skin lightening and brightening products that contain natural ingredients such as, organic herbal extracts and essential oils. Many Ayurveda beauty products manufacturing companies offer such products. Replace your bleach right away.


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