Girls, These Are 7 Beauty Products You Need To Replace Right Now!


2.  Chemical Moisturisers

It is a fact that, sun damage and pollution ruin your skin so it is good to wear a ‘good’ moisturiser to block the UV sunrays and harmful pollutants away from your face. Nonetheless, moisturisers and creams that contain mineral oil and paraffin have been clinically shown harmful to the skin barrier and increase moisture loss from the skin. Virtually all the popular cosmetic moisturizers and emollients sold by skin care companies contain high concentrations of detergents and detergent-like chemicals that damage the skin and degrade the skin’s natural protective function. The frequent use of moisturisers by most of us (in order to obtain a smooth, radiant and young-looking skin), results in the body absorbing and assimilating the harmful synthetic chemical ingredients of these products that can damage the skin, exacerbating skin problems instead of enhancing the skin’s beauty and health.

You need to replace your chemical based moisturisers with the products that contain vegetable oils. Particularly oils high in gamma linoleic acid that effectively suppresses inflammation. A good moisturiser should be made of water, hydrosols, plant oils, and emulsifiers. Using natural products, you can maintain the beauty of your face for long, without subjecting it to harmful products.


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