You Must Read This, If Insomnia Is Killing You!


Insomnia – Are you too one of those who have sacrificed the most important part of life, i.e. SLEEP for the allures of Social Media and likes?

Or you are the one suffering from Insomnia for various other health reasons?

Well, not to worry.

Insomnia is catching up faster than Modi Fever in India!

I am going to try to help you, through this article, on how to help yourself and cure the sleep trouble you are facing.

First of all, do you know the right techniques for getting a good sleep?

Well, I do. That is why I am the privileged one to write this article today. I have suffered from this deadly monster of insomnia too, but I worked on it till it left me and I regained my sanity. And believe you me, it all worked!

Therefore, I want to share my knowledge on the certain techniques that I used to cure my insomnia once and for ALL! In addition, these techniques on how to sleep well are proven to be effective, by many other patients who are suffering from insomnia too!

So here are the most easy and guaranteed to work solutions

How to get rid of insomnia

Keep Your Body Hydrated With Water Throughout The Day

Drink as much water as possible in the course of the day. A good idea is to drink at least 2 litres of water (keep filled bottles with you to keep a measure of the daily consumption). When the body is hydrated well, it responds to the systems and facilitates the natural processes. Nerves are relaxed and help to close the system at the required time.

Keep Your Body Hydrated

Keep Your Body Hydrated

Do Not Eat Heavy Or Greasy Food As Your Last Meal Of The Day

The foods which are heavy on grease, oil or butter content awaken the internal machinery and it starts working overtime to get the food digested in the body. This whole churning up keeps the brain active too, and hence it becomes difficult to sleep. Eat light, easily digestible and healthy food as your last meal. Keep the preferable meal time at least 2 hours before you plan to sleep.

Do Not Eat Heavy Or Greasy Food

Do Not Eat Heavy Or Greasy Food

Say Good Bye To Late Night Social Media Activity

This social media demon is undoubtedly eating a lot of happiness and a major chunk of healthy life from all of us. While it is quite understandable that it is hard to completely give up on the binding charm of social media, it is advisable to keep such activity restricted to free hours of the day. Make a point to not to open the devices that take you to the big bad world of social media, at night. Shift your attention to other recreational activities instead, those will facilitate good sleep.

Say Good Bye To Late Night Social Media

Say Good Bye To Late Night Social Media

Invest In Some Good Music

If you are a music lover, there is a lot of music out in the market that promotes sleep. Such audio CDs are specifically made for playing at the time when you are trying to sleep. It is scientifically proven that some explicit sounds have magical effects on our nervous system and brain. Such music relaxes the brain cells and makes way for sound sleep. Explore your nearest market today and buy some music for your health’s sake.

Invest In Some Good Music

Invest In Some Good Music

Buy A Perfecty Comfortable Mattress

Poor sleep equals to low energy. Hence, if you are not getting the sleep you need, an outdated and uncomfortable mattress may be the culprit. If you have hung on to the same mattress for more than ten years  or if you are waking up feeling stiff and sore, then it’s time to go mattress shopping. A new mattress can do many wonders, including getting you a high quality sleep during the night. And a high quality sleep means that it can do wonders for your energy level throughout the day too! However, finding the right mattress is like finding the right mate, you need to choose the right one as what’s perfect for one person might be all wrong for the next.

Perfecty Comfortable Mattress

Perfecty Comfortable Mattress

Last, But The Most Enjoyable and Workable Of All: Have Regular Sex

Making love or sex, is one such activity that is coveted by all, for the pleasure and benefits it renders. A good session with your partner will fulfil you and help your tensed muscles to relax. Make sure to indulge in some wholesome cuddling after you are done with the act, right before you are about to sleep. This will soothe the senses and the brain will become ready to welcome sleep. Sex is a lot of help in a lot of health issues. Only if we do not keep it too underrated.

Regular sex

Regular sex

So … Why wait? Act now and start using these techniques to help you sleep better throughout the night!

Sleep is one of the major energy components that keep our body and the systems running. If that is lacking, you are not doing good on the health meter! The bonuses are, Natural Beauty and Physical Fitness, that will come along with sound sleep.

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