Gross Things Girls Do When They Are Alone

gross things that girls do

Gross things that girls do – I know it’s hard to believe for many of you, but girls do a lot of gross things when they are alone.

Well, take wherever you can take your imagination power to, yet you won’t even reach closer to think about all those things.

It’s okay, don’t stress out as I am going to tell you about some of those gross things that girls do when they are alone (least gross, else it would be very embarrassing):

Gross things that girls do –

1. Pee in the shower

If you have ever bathed with your girl, she must have pretended to be very hygienic. But in reality, she pees in that shower a lot of times.

2. Do chores without clothes at home

Whenever a girl gets the opportunity to be alone at home, she tries to do something weird and roaming around naked is one of them. But doing chores like cooking, cleaning, dish washing etc.? GROSS!

3. Smelling own farts

Oh come on, women are always intrigued about things and the smell of her fart is something that makes her curious. It’s totally cool with her and may be a little disgusting for you.

4. See her period blood in toilet bowl

Okay, I know this is totally gross but they are just curious to know how much of their blood went out with the urine. Well, she won’t tell you about that ever, so relax.

5. Popping every pimple she finds

Even though she knows that popping that pimple would make her skin worse, she just cannot resist. Every time she pops a pimple, she feels a little more satisfied.

These are the gross things that girls do – These are just the least gross things that I have told you and to be honest, it’s better for you to not know about the other things girls do when they are alone. Otherwise, you will have weird vibes around her.

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