What NOT to do when drunk!

Drinking is okay, but there are certain things that you should remember NOT to do when drunk like a skunk.

No bets and bravery, please!
Your adrenaline is pumping and you know you can land up on the moon if you ran a little faster. Ah, well…bad news. That’s just your rum talking. You have no power whatsoever so don’t indulge in bets and bravery after a round of scotch neat. Even if somebody asks you to jump off a tall building to prove your friendship, bitchslap them in the face and move on. You don’t want to end up losing your teeth (remember Hangover?) or arm or valuables in a state of super strength. Don’t drive/ride either. You could be Michael Schumacher, but driving when drunk is trickier than the F1 races. And let’s admit it, death isn’t that great, yeah? Let’s concentrate on staying alive.


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