Teenage To Adult: How To Transition Seamlessly?


Feeling Like An Adult Will Come Difficult

When people will call you “Ma’am,” you would turn around and look for someone else! Yes this happens. Even though many of us have legally been adults for years, we still don’t feel like it. Maybe we are like Jenna Rink in “13 Going on 30”, functioning on the idea that we are still our wide-eyed teen selves, just newly endowed with the ability to buy stuff on our own and go to a fancy job every day. Maybe you will always be in a bit of disbelief that we have made it to adulthood. Yet, the sensible stuff to do would be, TO GO WITH THE FLOW and smile every time you feel weird being a teen no more!


To sum it all, I would say that the most difficult thing about getting transformed into an adult form a teen is that you do not feel like an adult at all, for many many years. All your stupid insecurities and anxieties are still there, only you feel more stupid and insecure about being stupid and insecure because you’re not supposed be stupid and insecure anymore.

Well, that should make some sense to you, does it?

Basically, when you are stepping up, you are supposed to have answers.

And the answers may not always be easy to come by. That’s why just stop waiting for yourself to change and start to accept who you are, right away!

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