Teenage To Adult: How To Transition Seamlessly?


Your Company Will And Should See A Change

No doubt you are still young and must remain in young company. But remember when you were younger and you would tell your little older aunt about the music you listened to and she would look at you like you had five heads? As you get into adulthood and super busy with your career and own life, you realize that being in the similar company helps a lot. More times than you want to admit, you will yourself be acting like a monk in the lonesome journey of life. And hence, you would need people who can show you a path. Moreover, there are people like Miley Cyrus and Justin Beiber to do sufficiently outrageous things on a regular basis that they get national press coverage even you won’t miss. That suffices for stupid doses in life. In real life, try to keep the company that helps you retain your sensibilities and helps you understand the adult world a little better.


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