Teenage To Adult: How To Transition Seamlessly?


Making And Maintaining Friendships Will Be In A Different Light Altogether

Well, as soon as you start school and college, making friends is one of your most important projects. That’s usually the case throughout college life. But then when you hit adulthood, those friendships that were once so effortless and important for survival can start to fall by the wayside even in this world of constant connectivity. Work will make it harder to keep up with people who aren’t in the cubicle next to you, and when you start to have a family, it gets even trickier. Fortunately, in the transition period a few unusual things will happen when you start to value time alone; you learn to trust your own tastes and opinions as much as anyone else’s; and you learn that the company of one person who connects with you at various levels is so much more valuable than hours with a hoard of people who happen to be only pub hopping with you. You will have to see the friendships on different levels altogether. You will start identifying people as friends and acquaintances. And you better do that!


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