How Can LinkedIn Help You Get Your Dream Job

There are more than 277 million people on LinkedIn and all of them are either employers or recruiters. How many people do you know who found their dream jobs on LinkedIn?

In the worst job economy, she had just finished up graduate school and was preparing to enter the normal workforce.

But that did not help as there was an acute shortage of jobs in the profile she was looking forward to taking up as a career.

That was when a friend recommended her to build up a profile on a professional network gaining recognition because of the best professional things it offered.

Here’s a question to ask yourself honestly: How many people do you know who found their dream jobs on LinkedIn?

One of the most common criticisms and leveled against LinkedIn is that it focuses only on career advancements. But think about this- There are more than 277 million people on LinkedIn and most of them are either employers or recruiters. How probable is it for you to get your dream job in a pool like that? We tell you how can you get your dream job using the best professional network. Read on!

1. Your profile is your resume

Your profile is your virtual resume. List and describe all the relevant professional and academic experiences you’ve had. Be accurate with regard to the dates you worked or studied, becuase that is how people frm your past or present will be able to connect to you and hence, expand your network. Upload a professional photo of yourself rather than an informal one. As you’re considering your profile your resume, upload a confident, professional picure of yourself, so that it is possible for people to recognize you easily.

2. Join related groups

LinkedIn gives you the opportunity to join groups and take part in discussions related to your interests. If you are interested in anything other than your job profile, you can easily share your opinion on these groups. Who knows, you might get a chance to prove your abilities in areas other than what your profile says about you. And who knows if you get a job offer concerning your interest. Professional froups provide a great way to discuss events and job opportunities with a group of people who might know others in the ‘know who you want to know’.

3. Be shameless and keep connecting

There could be instances when you might think if adding a person you’ve heard about and never talked to, is of any use to you. Remember that LinkedIn is a professional network and the more number of people you connect to the more are you expanding your chances of getting recognized. While you connect with people, encourage them to expand their network as well, as that would help you and your connections later on.

4. Premium profile

A premium LinkedIn profile, saves your time to surf for jobs you’re interested in. You get around fifteen introductions with a basic premium account which is good enough to make you noted by recruiters. The InMail allows you to connect to someone who is far outside your network. Could be a CEO or CRO from your dream profile. Another reason for having a paid account is that you get to know who’s viewed your profile.

Being able to see how people are finding you, where are they coming from and what keywords they used to to find you, is deifintely going to prove quite effective for you. And of course, paying for your profile is synonymous to getting visibility on almost all the search results.

There are a few simple things you could do to steer your career in the right direction and find you dream job.

As we live in a tech savvy world where we can collect data on anything and anybody, and analyze it accordingly, LinkedIn proves to be the biggest source of boosting your career trajectory.

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