What Women Find Attractive In A Man

We know that this is a million dollar question, without a suitable answer. But fret not, we have been able to decipher this mystery. Quite successfully! As you get ready to woo the love of your life, read on to find out what women find attractive in a man.

We know that this is a million dollar question, without a suitable answer. But fret not, we    have been able to decipher this mystery. Quite successfully! As you get ready to woo the love of your life, read on to find out what women find attractive in a man.

One who doesn’t patronize her:
More than anything, girls want to feel your equal in every sphere. Don’t patronize her. Ever. There’s a fine line between chivalry and patronization, so watch how you tread that path. It’s important to not be condescending as she has her own views and opinions. Nobody has the right to ridicule her wants and needs. Moreover, a guy who knows how not to patronize turns incredibly sexy in her eyes. Especially if she is the ‘I-Will-According-To-My-Terms’ girl, you have to be doubly careful!


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