5 Reasons That Will Tell Why Guys Are Being Friend Zoned !

in friend zone

In friend zone – Friend zone is one of the most difficult places where a girl can put a guy.

But at the same time, do guys ever think why after so many efforts to start a romance, the girl always sees them as a friend? Well, it’s time that they stop blaming women about being in friend zone and start finding the reason behind them. On that note, we are here to help you out as we found out the reasons behind being friend zones and every man should know these.

Here’s what girls had to say when asked why they put some guys in friend zone.

1. There is no chemistry

We may love you as a man; we may even think you are adorable. Be that as it may, in the event that one night we’re hanging out and you choose to kiss us, which is a warning. We will most likely give it another possibility with you, yet in the event that after two or three times we’re not getting any butterflies, it’s going to be a mood killer. Regardless of the amount we need to like you, there must be at any rate some chemistry to begin off with. It most likely isn’t even your fault but we really need the chemistry to start a relationship.

2. Your cat is your best buddy

There’s no issue with cats because they are totally adorable. But if you are that introverted, and your most loved thing to do is to play with your cat, you may have an issue in the women division. Before trying to impress the young lady you had always wanted, you presumably need to take up another interest and put yourself out there in light of the fact that no woman wants to talk about cats all the time.

3. You have never been to the gym

See, you don’t have to be 6’5″ with a tough body but most of the women keep themselves fit and expect the same from the guy they would date. It’s vital for us to see that you are fit and healthy.

4. You care more about video games than girls

Computer games are awesome. I want to play a lot of them from time to time. Yet, in the event that each waking minute you can hardly wait to turn on the computer games and put that headset on to converse with individuals you don’t know, might be a barricade. We need to discuss more than Zelda and World of Warcraft.

5. You only call at midnight and we know why

Getting a text or call at midnight to check on us is never subtle. At midnight, we as a whole comprehend what’s there in your thoughts and we know you don’t simply begin thinking about “how we are” by then. We would prefer not to be used and we would prefer not to feel like a toy that you play with one day, and the following, you’re exhausted with.

So, if these are all the situations around you then my friend, every girl is going to put you in friend zone. Believe me, you have to mold yourself a little or just wait for that girl who is looking for just your type. Because different people have different choices and you might be someone’s.

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