The Complete Guide on Men’s Tee Shirts

Men Tee Shirts

Men Tee Shirts – Men’s fashion is difficult because there are not many options available.

You seem to stand in the two sides of the barricade baffled what to choose, tee shirts or shirts. There is no denying that shirts, especially roll-up sleeved shirts are classy but tee shirts give you the easy-breezy boyish look that reverse your age. No wonder, men see tee shirts as wardrobe staples as those can be worn in any occasion ranging from parties to dates with little to no thought.

Then there are people who will always believe that men tee shirts are apt for only in the gym or a walk in the beach because they are pretty sloppy looking. There are two ways, however in which you can wear your tee shirt, good and bad, you choose your pick. If you choose the former then follow the below instructions that will save you from a faux pas.

You may be oscillating between fits when you are exposed to a wide variety of options in a store but first you need to figure out which is your right fit.

Make sure that your tee shirt is neither too baggy or too tight. Well, wearing oversized clothes are the common fashion now but you might end up looking like a pillow case if you don’t pull that off well and on the other side, you will end up looking like a stiffed sausage with a tee shirt too tight for you. The trick is to look flamboyant, not narcissistic and the right pattern of your clothes can do the honors. Only those who has built a good physique by breaking a sweat at the gym can have any picks but for the other lots, the choice needs to be very discreet. If your midriff is carrying extra weight, you should definitely go for the apparently looser fits but draw a line before going too far because that will only visually expand you some more.

Then, the shoulder seams are very important too because they should exactly align where your shoulder ends instead of lowering on your arm towards your neck which will increase the sloppiness. The sleeves should be about half way above your upper-arm. Only if you are tall, the sleeves can extend a little towards your elbow. The bottom hem of your tee shirt should not be below your hips and should cover your waistband, ideally extending a few inches below it. Those with heavy midriffs have a propensity to choose the longer tee shirts than usual which it seems will only boost the night-gown trend.

You should be avoiding the boxy tee shirts no matter what is the shape of your body and instead it should align with the curves of your body which will help you look slimmer. There are two neckline options for tee shirts, crew and v, the crew collar is best suited for the well-built bodied ones. Those with longer necks and narrower faces will look dapper in crew collars.

All said and done, the highly suggested material option for men tee shirts is cotton which is soft, cool and static.

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