7 Reasons Why You Would Agree That Women Are Double-edged Swords

Mind boggling truths about women – Men not only in India, but from different countries claim about the tricks that women play to have things their way. Men have women somewhat figured out and the conclusion is drawn as women being double-edged swords.

There are plenty of quotes and jokes written about how it is difficult to understand women.

One of the most popular quotes to emphasize this implication reads “Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus”.

Men not only in India, but from different countries claim about the tricks that women play to have things their way.

In all honesty, men have women somewhat figured out and the conclusion is drawn as women being double-edged swords. They, however, can never express their thoughts, for the fear of subsequent wrath engulfs them.

Here we look at some of these thoughts –

Women are guilty of asking too many questions. Hear us out before judging. Questions are fine, but these questions are the ones that make men feel guilty, even if they are not. These are just plain efforts for them to get away with possibly some mistake they have done (…and they succeed, too).


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