Annoying People You Do Not Want Around While Watching TV

After a hard day’s labour, watching television at home provides the much-needed solace to people. Nevertheless, there are certain types of people that you do not want around while watching TV.

Watching TV is one of the best pastimes for many people.

After a hard day’s labour, watching television at home provides the much-needed solace as well as information that we seek.

Nevertheless, there are certain types of people that we do not want around while watching TV. This is just for one reason that they are a distraction and not a good one while at it.

Let us take a look at these kinds of people – 

The Group


Admit it. Nothing good comes out of it when you watch television with an entire group, as one of them is bound to get distracted and disrupt the flow of the programme.


The Curious One


A curious case will never let you watch TV with peace. With one such person around, you can expect being asked a series of questions. Obviously, it will be irritating.


The Binge Eater


This person will have a variety of foods and beverages stacked alongside for the duration of watching television. They will spoil the bed cushions and you are familiar with the foods that make noise while being chewed.


The Couch Potato


This lot never gets its bum off the seat. Being around them will result in you doing the household chores when all you want to do is watch some TV.


The Catnapper


You will never remember having watched a complete movie or a sitcom episode with a catnapper sitting beside you. These individuals just doze off in their seat.


The Reader


They are not interested in watching television; might as well do away with their presence anyway.


The Complainer


This person knows the entertainment industry inside out. Sarcasm! You will find them complaining excessively about the flaws and goof ups while watching TV.


The Chatter


Nobody wants this person around while a TV show is on, for obvious reason.


The Social Media Fanatic


They will be constantly fidgeting on their cell phone or laptop while on Facebook or Twitter. Again, does not make sense in having them around while watching television.

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