Why Always Luxury? Try Hitchhiking!

Why to hitchhike – How about having a crazy travel idea roaming about whole of India like a nomad? Roaming on the roads of India like a wanderer.

How about having a crazy travel idea roaming about whole of India like a nomad?

Roaming on the roads of India like a wanderer.

Some travel enthusiasts do have this dream of hitchhiking in our own country. Yes! Hitchhiking. Hitchhiking is basically a cheap yet an interesting medium of travelling. Especially those solo travellers who like to simply go with the flow. The journey of hitchhiking can be a self-realization for a person.

A solo trip is one of the best journeys a person can have and so hitchhiking is one thing that a wanderer can do to add an excerpt to his lovely travel diaries. This type of travelling is such where you travel on your own, taking up lift from many people on the highway, earn and spend during the travel itself etc.

In India, it is gaining much popularity among the travel enthusiasts and many young travellers are having their unusual experiences through this.

It’s ‘Eco’nomical

Hitchhiking is a very good and economical mode of travel. For those who believe in backpacking and ravelling in a raw manner, hitchhiking is surely a thing for you. You take lifts from people on the road; sometimes travel for free or at times pay very less. You can even earn during the trip by working on a temporary thing.



A whole new experience

For many people hitchhiking can turn out to be a whole new and awesome experience of travel and this makes them wander for more. Their wanderlust increases day by day. You get to take things as it comes and so you go much more patient as a person.



Out of the comfort zone

People who at times prefer a luxurious travel over an adventure trip, hitchhiking can be one thing that can help you move out of the comfort zone and test your own self on many situations. Especially for a girl this can be an eye opener. The whole travel will make you explore yourself even better.



Meet new people

Just like every travel, hitchhiking also makes you meet many new people and know about their whole new experiences. You never know you come to know about the hardships of a truck driver while taking a lift. You can try travelling on all types of vehicles when you travel and this can be an amazing and an adventurous experience.


As an inspiration for many travellers, Mayank Shrivastava, a software engineer from Hyderabad gave up his job and hitchhiked in China for many days and according to him the whole experience of travel was one of a kind throughout his life.

So what are you waiting for? Loosen up yourself and grab that backpack of yours which is always ready to be your companion during your unusual travels!

All you need to be is footloose! 

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