5 Things You Would Like To Tell A Travel Snob!

Things to tell travel snobs – in a wise men’s world there are set of people who just can’t stop themselves from bragging about their travel stories, and these people are termed as Travel Snobs.

Everyone loves to travel.

There are many avid travellers who would like to travel the whole world and leave a mark on this globe.

There is a huge set of people for whom travel is a therapy and the places they have visited are countless. But then in a wise men’s world there are set of people who just can’t stop themselves from bragging about their travel stories, and these people are termed as Travel Snobs.

These are the people who show off their so called travel experiences and think that they are the best.

Such people can irritate all the sane people and to ask them to shut here are few of the things that we would like to convey to them!

You are not the only one

People have this habit of boasting about their passion for travel. When a person says that I love travelling, and there is no place that is untouched by me, you would surely like to ask, have you been to North Pole?



I never count

A travel snob has this habit of counting the number of overseas travel so that they can just show off how often they fly to foreign. Dude did you even know about your own country? So, rather than talking about it, travel to some beautiful places that are worth a visit.



Showing off the souvenirs won’t help

When you meet people, they make sure that they demonstrate and let you know about the souvenirs they have collected from all of their travels. It does not prove you to be a true traveller.



Travel means travel

Travel is not only synonymous to backpacking. Travel means travel; it can be with friends, family or alone. Even if you go to a lovely place with your family it is the experience and the bond you have built, that actually counts.



Bragging about the clichéd places

Travel snobs also brag a lot about their travels to the clichéd places which are known to the world. They like to play safe and are not up for a road less taken. So next time if you hear a person say that I have been to so and so places, ask them to research more!


Travel doesn’t count how many places you travel or how many stamps you have on your passport, what really the fact is that travel can change people’s life and it actually makes you feel good about yourself.

So step out and rather than bragging, have a better travel experience!

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