Queens Used To follow These Tips To Look Amazing And Attract King

tips to look amazing

Tips to look amazing – Beauty is one love for women. Its maintenance is high cause of concern for them. In today’s modern world, they are ‘n’ of beauty products available. And the use of them, makes them even more beautiful.

Sadly, in the world today there is a lot of stress on everyone that their skin undergoes a lot of damage with symptoms like early ageing, wrinkles, acne, tan and many other effects. Sometimes, after all the beauty treatments women undergo – they wonder of how the women from the good old times maintained their skin that were always glowing and healthy – specially the ‘Queens’.

So here we present you some tips and secrets that the Queens followed for beautiful-glowing-healthy skin.

If the skin of the Queens are to be spoken about – they had skin that was lustrouslybeautiful, that the Kings themselves were so fascinated.

Wonder! What could be the secret?! Don’t be in a hurry. You are almost here. The Queens used something which are commonly available in your kitchen! You heard it right. Here you go, tips to look amazing.

Tips to look amazing –

  • Rose perfume (Ittar)

Widely known for its fragrance, the oils are distilled into rose base. Having the aroma of roses, these oils or perfumes were widely used by the Queens back then. It helps in removing unwanted on the skin and giving it a rosy glow with great fragrance. It made their skins smell heavenly, that drove the Kings crazy.

  • Walnuts

Did you know that the Queens used to take in walnuts and carrots everyday. Wonderful beauty hack isn’t it.!! It is said that taking both carrots and walnuts every day sets ageing at bay. And got something more, they are said to maintain healthy organs and curvy body.

I know, by now your eyes would be looking for your walnuts jar.

tips to look amazing

  • Beer (Madeira)

No, don’t take me wrong. I was talking about a face mask with beer. It was said that the Queens used a face mask that had mill powder,  egg white, some lemon juice with beer (Madeira). This mask works wonders for removing the harshness in the skin making it smooth and lustrous.

I always thought beer was meant to drink and swing. Amazed to know about its beauty benefits 😉

tips to look amazing

  • Donkey milk

Queens cleansed their skins by bathing in donkey’s milk along with olive oil and honey. It was said that this milk has agents that prevented the ageing effects on to the skin.

tips to look amazing

  • Honey and olive oil

And for hair, they used doses of honey and olive oil.That gave them super shiny lustrous long tress. Wow! This is a super cool hair hack.

tips to look amazing

So that was it my dear women. Seems like the queens were super glamour conscious, even on being beautiful. I really feel envy for the beauty of those queens. But now thank them for their really super cool beauty hacks.

These are the tips to look amazing – What wait for! Time for these really simple and best beauty hacks that the Queens followed. And get gorgeous than ever.

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