5 Ways To Avoid Announcing Your Break-Up On Social Media

Announcing your break-up on a social media platform is never a good idea. But if you MUST do it, at least do it well. If you’re cheap and cowardly and want the whole world to be a part of your relationship circus, it’s you call. But here are some ways that you should NOT use to call it quits…read on.

Announcing your break-up on a social media platform is never a good idea. But if you MUST do it, at least do it well. If you’re cheap and cowardly and want the whole world to be a part of your relationship circus, it’s you call. But here are some ways that you should NOT use to call it quits…Read on!

#1: Changing your relationship status before telling your partner about ie


#2: Putting up status updates like this:
#3: Posting pictures with your new partner and tagging your ex in it

#4: Unfollowing/Unfriending him/her and asking your mutual friends to keep a tab on him/her




#5: Putting up cryptic status updates




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