Most Expensive Things That Donald Trump Owns Will Make You Jealous Of Them !

most expensive things Donald trump owns

Most expensive things Donald trump owns – Donald Trump, since his Presidential sweep in the recent elections, he has become a household name. His net worth, a Forbes magazine has claimed, is about $4.5 billion! What more, Trump has claimed that his net worth is much more than that.

Well, there is reason to believe him. The super ritzy things that he owns speak for themselves. After seeing the list below, you will know how much truth is there behind his claim.

Most expensive things Donald trump owns

  1. Aircrafts collection

Worth: $35 million

He owns Boeing 757, a Cessna 750 and three helicopters. The Boeing 757 has multiple bedrooms and a 24 carat gold sink in the master bathroom. He even has gold plated seatbelts.

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