Movie Review: We’re the Millers


Director: Rawson Marshall Thurber

Cast: Jason Sudeikis, Jennifer Aniston, Emma Roberts, Will Poulter

Rating: 2.5/5

Four loafers come together to pose as a happy family on a mission to smuggle drugs into America from Mexico and on this journey together somehow find in each other the family they never had. The premise of We’re the Millers admittedly is quite novel and exciting. The only glitch is that the joke kinda loses steam halfway through and the film never quite ups the ante. Directed by Rawson Marshall Thurber, the film is a mediocre comedy that has it’s moments, managing to elicit a fair amount of laughs from its audience.

David (Jason Sudeikis) is an easy going small time drug dealer who after being robbed of all his cash and stash, is forced by his supplier boss (Ed Helms) to bring back a smidge of drugs from across the border to clear his debt. He realises his best shot at not getting caught at the border is to find himself a fake family out on a harmless vacation in Mexico. For this he turns to Rose (Jennifer Aniston), the local stripper, Kenny (Will Poulter) his naive eighteen year old neighbour and Casey (Emma Roberts) a runaway with issues, and together they make their way across the border and back, pretending to be a typical American family, but failing miserably at it.

The star of the film is quite clearly Aniston, who is a delight to watch as a strong willed stripper. Ever since Friends, she’s somehow always played Rachel and one can see why she signed on to do We’re the Millers, where she gets to stray away from the goody-two-shoes, innocent, and lovable kind she’s always played.

Predictably, there are a number of gags and sexual shenanigans that are more amusing than they are hilarious. With a few baddies and drug lords in tow the adventures of this makeshift family end at a fanciful if not absurd note, leaving one slightly bewildered.

You can save yourself a trip to the movie theatre and keep this one for one of those nights when you need a meaningless comedy to fill the hours.

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