IF You Get Asked “What Do You Do?” By The Same People, These Answers Will Help You To Shut Them!

Rude People: I’ve come across many people in LIFE who knows what I’m doing, but still, whenever they meet they ask me the same question again & again i.e. “What do you do?” At one point, I FEEL they just want to make FUN of me and it boils my blood. I seriously, sometimes FEEL wish I could shut them up by giving a certain answer. Have you ever come across such annoying people? IF you’ve, then you’re NOT the only one struggling with it. Trust me; there are many people out there like us.

It’s just that they’ve found a way to shut these people up. How, you ask? Don’t worry we will get there pretty soon. Firstly, let me add, that these people are Redditors. IF you want to shut them, just answer them in unclear words, with an angry expression or something that shows “You should stop doing it.”

Are you ready? Here we go.


  1. The right thing… I hope.
  2. STUFF
  3. I solve problems.
  4. I take phone calls. Sometimes I make them.
  5. I mind my own business.
  6. I do a job that pays me a good amount of money.
  7. Too much and not enough.
  8. I help people who need help in the things I know.

Sometimes, people know that you’re not working anywhere and yet to tease you up, they ask you this question. I know, it gets hard. Sadly, it isn’t really easy to run from the question. You know; IF you really think that they’re asking with a good intention, then you can say “Currently, I’m hunting for a job. Do you have any contacts?” Or IF you’re uncomfortable & you don’t want to sound rude or something, just let them know “I think we should change this topic.”

I hope you’re doing well.

Remember – IF you’re experiencing bad days, then they will pass. Just believe. Plus stay away from the ones who only bring negative vibes along with them.

Rude People : Stay strong.

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