A breakup can make you…

Be prepared before calling your relationship off because you might end being someone else all together…

“Love is blind,” said some smart guy. That is the very reason you end up becoming someone else all together when you call off your relationship. Here are few possible characters you step into soon after your breakup.

In all good spirits, take a look…

A philosopher
Love does that to you but when you no longer believe in it your thoughts become even more profound.


A poet 
You are able to write neat when you fail in love. Words flow down in your diary very often in thi

An alcoholic
You might end up having your first drink after a breakup. If you the one who drinks often you have just get another reason to get sloshed.


A family person
You have a lot of time in hand because you prefer being at home for few days after the breakup. You suddenly realise you have a lovely family who stand by you always.


A specky
You often end up having puffy eyes and dark circles during these days so you prefer looking like a geek for a while.


A pessimist
For few days you believe your life has come to an end. You also convince yourself that there is nothing called true love.


A sucker for sad songs
Your refresh your playlist. You no longer feel like listening to happy or romantic songs.


A loyal friend once again
According some random study it is stated when you in a relationship on an average you lose two friends. Hmm! When you are out of the love mode you then realise you have awesome friends around.


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