How to fight post-holiday depression

This concept might sound funny to you, but post-holiday depression is rampant among youngsters and adults alike. While some suffer from withdrawal symptoms, others go into a shell after returning from a vacay. Here’s how you can fight post-holiday depression. Read on:

This concept might sound funny to you, but post-holiday depression is rampant among youngsters and adults alike. While some suffer from withdrawal symptoms, others go into a shell after returning from a vacay. Here’s how you can fight post-holiday depression. Read on:

Picture time:
Relive your vacation by uploading your pictures on popular social media sites and sit back for your friends to pour in their likes and comments. This way, you’ll not feel totally lost when you get back from a well-spent holiday. Another way to fight it is to upload those pictures on WhatsApp and YoTurf to feel really good.


Planning the next vacay:
Fight the gloom by planning your next vacation that involves your friends and family. Check out hotels, commutation and places of interest. Look for cool offers and discounts for your next trip and you’re bound to feel better about yourself.


Retail therapy:
Well, nothing works like retail therapy. Whatever the kind of depression you may have, go out shopping. From window shopping to indulging in roadside clothes, you can opt for any of the various retail therapies to fight your post-holiday blues.


Binging on food:
Order comfort food and indulge in it without worrying about diet and health. You anyway have to shed your holiday fat, so why not pile on just a bit more to feel less gloomy and depressed about the vacations gone by.


Immerse yourself in work:
Hit your office immediately the day after you get back from your holidays. Being with your colleagues and doing routine things will uplift your mood for sure, as you won’t feel lonely and bored. Yes, your office can actually make you feel better about yourself.


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