Know How Brown Rice Is Replacing White From Our Platter

brown rice

Brown rice – Rice is considered to be king of the platter, which very easily and scrumptiously complements the side dishes served in the meals.

From main course to dessert, rice rules the meals. We cannot deny our drooling love for a bowl of steaming hot rice. But hold on! it’s not all well with the salver having this grain, especially when it is having the refined white rice in it. Refined white rice, means it is deprived off all the useful nutrients. Because, in the process of refining and making it presentable the little grain of happiness, loses all its nutritional value making it zero nutrient food.

brown rice

Before you get dishearten, here comes the duskier alternative, the darker cousin of the fair grain- brown rice. According to National Food Policy Capacity Strengthening Program (NFPCSP), it is said thatthe brown grains of rice has low glycemic index, which lowers the risk of developing diabetes. On the other hand, white rice has high glycemic index which stimulates the digestion process, hence increasing the blood-glucose level in blood.

brown rice

The aforesaid benefit is not the only benefit, here we would provide you few a list of ten other benefits, which would convince you to switch to the duskier cousin, rather than holding the white king. They are as follows:

  1. Brown rice is proven to be a rich source of insoluble fibers that keeps the stomach feeling full for a longer period of time. As a result, you have a gut feeling healthy and happy.
  2. This little grain of joy is good source of fiber, manganese, magnesium, phosphorus, thiamine and many other nutrients which are essential for a complete balanced diet food.
  3. It contains compounds known as lignans, which decreases the risk of cardiovascular diseases and occurrence of heart attacks.
  4. Some studies also suggest that regular intake of brown rice can lower the blood pressure and helps in relaxing the arteries.
  5. The total phenolic contents in brown rice are a powerful antioxidant. Which helps in reducing the risk of getting certain kinds of cancer
  6. The whole grains like the brown rice can help in losing weight and plays a vital role in reducing the risk of obesity and obesity-related diseases.
  7. Unlike the white rice, this cousin grain is unrefined and is in its natural state oozing with nutrient values. Whole grain brown rice is also rich in natural oils, which is beneficial for the body. The natural oil fats help in normalizing the blood cholesterol level.
  8. In this stress scheduled life, when one is struggling with sleepless nights and frustration, a bowl of brown rice can help us to fight insomnia and depression because of its rich nutrient value.
  9. Some other stress driven problems of ageing and hair loss are also solved by this genius grain of gold (we mean rice!). Ferulic acid present in this grain helps in preventing hair-loss and is a rich source of anti-ageing elements.
  10. Last but not the least, it is a perfect baby food because of its high fiber content and dense natural nutrition.

brown rice

After knowing the above-mentioned benefits, it must be clear for you that why white rice is making the way for the brown. Though it takes longer time to be cooked, compared to its fair cousin but it is always wise to burn little bit of more fuel in order to get a super healthy substitute. It is not only a blessing for the diabetics, but with its essential contents it is also helping people to fight various diseases owing to the sedentary life style.

brown rice

Next time you place your order, don’t forget to go with the brown grain of healthy happiness. Sumptuous taste remains the same only the color changes, biriyani to kheer everything becomes healthier with a brown touch.

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