9 Easy Ways To Be A Street Smart!

Ways To Be A Street Smart

“Ways To Be A Street Smart”

In this world, being a street smart is completely necessary. Especially, when you feel like you’re not in a good place, then you must strictly keep yourself updated with these street smart ways. After-all, sometimes no one’s gonna help you but yourself.

So, it doesn’t matter if you reach a bad neighbourhood today or tomorrow, but dealing with it with these smart tricks is absolutely needed.

Make it a habit and also put forward these smart ways to help others as well.

So, here are simple ways to be a street smart and handle difficult situations in life.

  1. Study the place where you’re going

If you’re going somewhere you’ve never been before then make sure you Google about that place completely. For e.g. get simple details (maps) and the travelling process (main thing) and save it. So that if you get lost or have no idea about how to return, then you can go through your saved information and get some easy help.

  1. Look Confident

If you’ve no idea about a certain place then don’t get scared and don’t express your fear at-all. Just act cool and calm and act as if you know where you’re going. Sometimes the bad ones try to offer help when they see you scared. But remember, the help cannot be safe at all. So, be smart.

  1. Dress up in a simple look

Trust me; there is no need to show off your richness at-all. Because, the opposite person can take that away and drag you down. So, keep the expensive things in your bag and also do not remove the cell phone if it is not important.

  1. Don’t make eye-contacts

This one is really necessary to be followed. Just be calm and whenever you’re walking on the street or say travelling, avoid eye contacts as much as possible. Keep yourself busy listening to music and doing stuff on mobile phone only.

  1. Observe the body language and then act

Suppose you’re completely unaware about the place and there’s a need to ask someone about how to get out of it, then play smart. As in, before asking the person, observe his/her body language and then go ahead and ask for help. Some might fake a smile and tell you “Oh, I’m going the same way…let’s go together”, this and that, but avoid it.

  1. Always call your close one and tell ‘em where you are etc

You know, this habit is really useful. Whenever you’re leaving from a certain place, keep your family member updated about it every now and then. Because, suppose if something happens, there will always be a person who knows half the detail about you and you can get saved as well.

  1. When a stranger tries to walk, don’t ignore completely

You never know how really that person is, so whenever a person comes and say “hey, what’s the time”, just answer it and turn towards other direction or keep walking. Do not continue talking to that person.

  1. Listen to your gut feelings

Yes, sometimes the gut feeling is absolutely right. In such times, you only need to listen to it and act it that way. If your gut is telling you to take a different direction and run then without thinking anything, just do it.

  1. Face the situation

Now suppose you’re walking on a street late at night and someone tries to touch you inappropriately. Then don’t stay calm and give your best punch and push, and run out of there as fast as you can. Don’t forget to PUNCH.

These were the ways to be a street smart. Do you have any points to add? Let us know in a comment below.

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