How to utilize your travel hour effectively

Are you from a city that requires you to travel for an hour or more to reach your work place/college/destination? It’s time to utilize your travel time to do something productive than cursing the traffic and sweat. What can you do? Read on

Are you from a city that requires you to travel for an hour or more to reach your work place/college/destination? It’s time to utilize your travel time to do something productive than cursing the traffic and sweat. What can you do? Read on!

Read a book:
Whether you’re a voracious reader or a beginner , whether you choose to buy a paperback or read on your phone/kindle, it’s a good idea to read at least one book a week. From fiction to magazines to newspapers, take your pick. Reading is also very useful in making smart conversations with strangers or on first dates!


Learn a language:
Yes, this might sound crazy to most of you, but this is possible. Pick a language that you really wish to learn, join an online course and practice your lines on your way to work. You’ll not only learn something useful (because you have nothing else to do), but also be entertained and less bored. Try it and let us know!


Make those calls:
It’s the best time to call up your buddies and other people you are barely in touch with. The long travel time will look like fun when you have someone to talk to. And it’ll also give you the perfect excuse to hang up, when you reach your destination. Sounds awesome, eh?


Puzzle it up:
If Rubik Cube isn’t something that gets you going, try solving puzzles that appear in the paper. It could be a simple crossword puzzle or a complicated word-war. Whatever it is, give it a shot. If bothersome traffic and annoying fellow commuters can’t coax you into immersing yourself into puzzles, nothing ever can.


Turn your smartphone into a super camera by snapping away to glory while you head to work/college. Document the daily hassle and madness with your smart gadget and share them with your friends to compare how they fared that day! It’s a good way to preserve memories and also to improve your photographic skills.


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