7 Things We Promise To Do But Never Act On

We never work on promises – where few people religiously follow and meet their goals, others are infamous for just planning them and leaving at it. These are the characteristics of people, who never actually act on their plans.

They are at times categorised as the New Year’s resolution, the bucket list (if it’s a long-term goal) or aims, if simply put.

We are sure even you must have made ‘plans’ to change the way you live your everyday life.

These objectives might be major accomplishments or small things that give them pleasure.

Where a very few people religiously follow and meet these goals, many individuals never actually act on them. We are focusing on the latter part and here are a few of these things –

Creating a Website


In the current times, having your own website can be lucrative. Internet is arguably the best platform to let people know that you exist. However, making a website requires you to invest a good amount of time to have the perfect online source. This is where procrastination takes centre stage and the plan goes down the drain.

Exercise Everyday


Where women’s basic focus is on losing the extra kilos, most men target gaining weight. This is when they figure exercise as the idea go-to source. They pay the money that the gym owner asks them to and exercise diligently…for the first month. In the subsequent months, not too much exercise.

Read Self-improvement Books


The modern day world is such that many people struggle to compete with their adversaries, resulting in them relying in self-improvement books. How many times have you picked up one such book, read a chapter (two, maximum) and never looked at it again?

Incorporate Pinterest Guidelines


Pinterest is one of the best online platforms that help people with DIY projects – be it home improvement or personal self. From an array of hairstyles to building the perfect kitchen countertop, you can find guidelines on everything. These tips are extraordinary and actually easy to incorporate. You plan to take up a project, but never really execute it.

Refrain from Eating Junk Food


Yes. We all know how bad junk foods can be and what health ailments they bring on people, who regularly consume them. Every junk food customer has, at some point of time, made plans to stop ordering take-outs. Again, this is something that never materialises.

Brush Teeth Every Night before Sleeping


The benefits of brushing teeth twice a day is known to everyone. But hey, at the end of the day, we are so tired that we don’t even feel like lifting the brush one more time. It’s just looking teeth in the mirror, uttering a “screw it” and hitting the pillow that becomes the new schedule.

Learn a Foreign Language


Here’s another one. Many people feel contented knowing the English language that they feel it is fine to not learn another foreign language. A few people, on the other hand, do believe it as important, or just as a hobby, and join foreign language courses. Nevertheless, after a couple of sessions, the lazy part takes over forcing them to stick with English.

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