10 Kinds Of Drunken Women You Will Meet In This Lifetime

Kinds of drunken women – Where men usually pretend to be not drunk, in the process making a fool out of themselves, women do not hold themselves back. These are the kinds of drunken women you will come across in this lifetime.

Watching a drunk anyone – man or woman – is entertaining. Yes, it is enjoyable.

However, thanks to varying personalities of the genders, the pleasure quotient differs, as men tend to behave contrarily than women.

Where men usually pretend to be not drunk, in the process making a fool out of themselves, women do not hold themselves back.

Of course, like men, there are categories among drunken women and this is the list of females you will come across in your lifetime –

The Stumbler


After getting drunk, they always need support to walk. If you are around one of these persons, you are their walking stick, their eyes and their ears…literally. 

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