How to remain motivated to reach your fitness goal

One of the biggest struggles we have in our community is staying motivated to reach our goals. The truth is, life gets in the way.

One of the biggest struggles we have in our community is staying motivated to reach our goals. The truth is, life gets in the way. Whether it’s work, kids, spouses, life changes, or something else, it makes it harder to stay on track and put weight loss and health first. We are never going to just find extra time to workout or make healthy choices. So how do you do that? Here are 5 ways to help you stay motivated and make healthy living part of your life:

Make a meal plan
Every week, decide what you are going to eat in advance. Get the supplies together, cook a few things ahead of time, and put them in the fridge to grab later.

Schedule your workouts
Just like you would attend a doctors appointment or a meeting, write it into your calendar or save in in your memo. It’s more likely that you’ll remember it then.

Find an exercise you like
If you hate running, why are you going to make a goal to run 4 times a week? You won’t want to do it. Try different things like swimming, biking, dancing, aerobics, etc.

Set goals for each week
This week I’m going to eat less sugar, take the stairs, bike to work, etc. We have challenges each week in our forums.

Get support
It’s much easier to go through weight loss with a group or a buddy. Why not check for weight loss groups for motivation?

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