Balance Thy Hormones

How to balance hormones – walking out of the house with confidence, elated and knowing the feeling of taking on the world could just put you right at the top; it’s just the good work of the hormones.

Walking out of the house with confidence, elated and knowing the feeling of taking on the world could just put you right at the top; it’s just the good work of the hormones. You are faintly in a good mood, knowing that the hair is on your side. Thus, when your hormones are in stability, you experience better moods, better energy and glowing skin. Balanced hormones also lead to healthy and shiny hair.

It is also known that certain changes in lifestyle as well as including new habits can lead to a stabilised hormone in the body. Here’s one can maintain a balanced hormone in the body:

Eat your broccoli
Leafy veggies such as broccoli, cauliflower, sprouts and cabbage contain a substance called indole-3-carbinol (I3C), which metabolizes in the body to produce diindolylmethane (DIM). These two substances help transform estrogens and are known to work against cancer-threats particularly for breast cancer.


Maintain a healthy weight
Excessive fat tissue are a ‘no-no’ to the body since it gives support to the endocrine organ, thus resulting in more estrogen in the body. Therefore, it is important to maintain a healthy weight which does not stimulate to overproduce certain hormones.


Include beans in your diet
Include a diet that revolves around soy foods, flax seeds, sunflower seeds, bean sprouts, and legumes that include phytoestrogens which is a plant-based substance that can help balance your hormones naturally.


Consider the use of herbal remedies
The inclusion of ayurveda is good for menopausal effects and PMS that is more related to bad temper and mood swings. One can also use other herbal remedies that are proven and helpful for both physical and psychological symptoms. But before stepping into the world of ayurveda, one must always speak with a trained practitioner.



Breathing exercise
If not a gym-a-holic, then hop onto some breathing exercise that can work wonders. Try doing fifteen minutes of deep belly breathing twice a day. Breathing exercises are meant to do a lot of good work to the hormones balancing since it helps decrease stress hormones and allows the body to function more efficiently.


Thus it’s important for one to address issues including diet, physical activity and stress management as well as gaining the love and support from loved ones. In maintaining the right hormonal balance, the mind-body technique brings about stability in a greater sense of security and ultimately best possible health.

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