Foods That Boost Healthy Skin

A healthy diet boosts your overall health and promotes glowing, healthy skin. Here are some variety of nutritious foods will have your skin looking its best:

A healthy diet boosts your overall health and promotes glowing, healthy skin. Here are some variety of nutritious foods will have your skin looking its best:

Blueberries fights aging skin
Antioxidant helps fight the signs of aging skin and blueberries are a great source of antioxidants. Rich in vitamin C, blueberries can play a healthy role in an otherwise decadent dessert and taste great as a cereal topping and tossed into salads. Other sources of antioxidants that you can include in your healthy diet are red wine and dark chocolate.

Fish provide healthy oils
Fish that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids should be part of a healthy skin diet. Many people try to cut all fats from their diet, but without some fat, your skin may suffer. Omega-3 fatty acids are considered healthy fats, and a diet that is too low in healthy fats can lead to dull, dry skin.

Whole Wheat promotes digestion
Think of whole-wheat bread and other whole-grain products as smart food for your skin – they are a healthy alternative to refined white bread or pasta. The white breads and white pastas create a spike of insulin, which isn’t good for your. Whole grains are also packed with fiber, which promotes healthy digestion.

Water hydrates your skin
There are molecules in the skin that actually bind water. Skin becomes dry when it loses too much water, so you need to drink plenty of liquids to replace the daily water loss. Water is also a good alternative for sugary beverages that could negatively affect your skin by causing insulin levels to rise and fall dramatically.

Green Tea helps skin and overall health
Green tea has two benefits for your skin: It contains antioxidants, which may fight the effects of aging, and drinking it is a good way to stay hydrated. When given the option, choose green tea over beverages that don’t promote skin health.

Low-Fat Yogurt eases digestive problems
Yogurt is often recommended for a healthy diet because it contains probiotics, or ‘healthy’ bacteria, which are beneficial for digestive health. It helps improve related skin conditions such as rosacea or skin inflammation. Probiotics are increasingly used in skin care lines, but she cautions that these may not be the same bacteria that are found in yogurt.

Sweet Potatoes help reduce wrinkles
Sweet potatoes that give you a healthy dose of vitamin A has been found to help reduce wrinkles and other signs of aging. There are several topical creams on the market that contain vitamin A, but using too many of these skin products, can be drying and irritating. It’s better to include sweet potatoes and other foods rich in vitamin A as part of a healthy diet.

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