10 Minutes Of Exercise That Can Keep You Healthy

Many people take up high-intensity cardiovascular exercise to reduce mass weight and increase the intensity of stamina. Circuit-training is one such program that revs up the metabolism, resulting in more calories burned compared to conventional resistance and cardiovascular programs.

Many people take up high-intensity cardiovascular exercise to reduce mass weight and increase the intensity of stamina. Circuit-training is one such program that revs up the metabolism, resulting in more calories burned compared to conventional resistance and cardiovascular programs.

The best usage of circuit training is that it mixes strength training with cardiovascular training which results to fat burning in the body. The quick and constantly changing exercises target the body in a way that conditions it in an all-around manner. Whether you are preparing for a sport, injury prevention, weight loss or various other characteristics of strength, circuit training can be tailor made to meet those needs.

So here is a 10-minute exercise listed out by Talwalkars’ trainers, Rafiq Mansuri and Shaizan Shaikh in which they describe the best circuit training exercise for your body. Every exercise listed below will be of 1 minute each and will contain 20-30 repetitions each. In case of weights, the trainers state that it will be decided upon the muscular mass of the individual doing this workout. Here is the full workout below:

1- Squat Jumps
The first part will include squat jumps that include your normal usage of the legs. It is also called as ‘burpy exercise’.

2 – Crunches
Better known as ‘abs exercise’, crunches fully involve your stomach and this part is vital in getting those six-pack abs.

3- Mount climbing
In this exercise, the individual have to climb the given part (stairs, chair etc) with the use of dumbbells. This exercise is the most rigorous as the legs workout can take its toll.

4- Plank
In this very exercise, one has to lower both your forearms to the ground so that the elbows and fists are flat to the ground. The palms should be balled up and directly underneath your shoulders.

5 – Pushups
Pushups is literally lying on your stomach and raising the lower your body by straightening and bending your arms.

6 – Hanging raise
Raise your legs by flexing the hips and knees until hips are completely loosened or knees are well above hips. Return until hips and knees are extended downward.

7 – Clean and Jerk
Mostly tried by Olympic weightlifters, clean and jerk involves lifting the bar and then raising the same for a second. Bring the bar down and then repeat the same with more weights.

8 – Pull ups
Here, pull ups are more meant to enhance your stamina. This exercise is where you lift your body with your hands place diagonally from your head.

9 – Spider push-ups
At first, start in the standard push up position with your hands under your shoulders and your body in a straight line. As you lower your torso towards the floor, bend your elbows out to the side. At the same time, lift one foot off the floor and bend the knee to the side up to hip level.

10 – Side crunches
In this final part of the gruelling exercise, side crunches is nothing but by lying down in a normal crunch position with your back flat on the ground, and your knees bent. Then, turn your legs to one side with your knees still bent and turn at the waist, keeping your shoulder blades and the upper part of your back flat on the ground. At the end, lift your head up just like a normal crunch, without bending the neck.

This gruelling exercise is the best way to save some time off the gym where people spend hours and hours picking up those weights and going in through some rigorous workouts. These 10-point workout is the best way for a fat man to get into a lean shape and flaunt those sexy six-pack abs.

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