5 Heart-attack Symptoms Most Of Us Ignore Which Can Cost Your Life !

Heart attack symptoms

Heart attack symptoms – Heart attack – a word that really scares people. You will get heart attack when one of the heart muscles begins to die. This happens when there is no proper supply of oxygenated blood to the heart.

In most of the cases, most of the people survive the first heart attack, whereas a few will not be able to survive as they reach hospital a little late. A person can be saved in the first two heart attacks if taken to the hospital on time or if medical assistance is given on time.

Here are 5 heart attack symptoms most of you ignore and they can cost your life. So, make sure that you are not ignoring these in future…

Heart attack symptoms –

  • Chest Pain

Usually, one of the common symptoms that are ignored by everyone is an acute chest pain. In the middle of the chest, you get an acute pain, which may lead to heart attack. This is going to be really severe and will vanish in just a few minutes when the blood flow gets normal to the heart.

  • Pain in the jaws

A very common symptom seen in women. Yes, you will not see this kind of heart attack symptom in men and this may lead to heart attack in women.

  • Shortness of breath

All of a sudden, in between any work, you will feel like you are drowning in water. You will not be able to breathe properly and that can be a symptom of heart attack.

  • Pain in the left arm

Just before a heart attack, pain in the left arm has been common and you should not neglect it.

  • Too much sweating

Sudden sweating and when that is in excess, then that can be a symptom of heart attack. This is abnormal sweating if you experience this rush to doctor immediately.

These are heart attack symptoms – If you experience any of the above symptoms don’t take it light rather check with doctor these are early signs of heart-attack.

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