8 Erotic Foods For A Hot And Steamy Love Making Session!

  1. Finger Foods or Chewy Candies 

Have a bowl full of your favourite finger food, or some chewy sweet candies. Let your partner lie down calmly and place small bites of food or candies all over their body, in various places. Take your own treat time to pick the bites with your lips and gobble them, while your hands get busy with their own tricks. Once you are full and done, you can offer yourself to your partner as a full course meal, ready to be eaten!


Here are some rules to this lavish carnal indulgence:

  • No double dipping! Do not put the food once rubbed on your body, in the dip again.
  • Don’t let food go inside the private parts or too close to them. This may call for infections.
  • Avoid spicy or too salty food at all costs. Burning genitals or itchy skin, are definitely not a ‘recipe’ for a satisfying love making session.
  • Indulge in an after-shower together, to wash off the titbits of food, before you curl back in bed to get a rewarding sleep.

So well, all said and done, taking food in the bedroom isn’t to everyone’s taste and can be muddled, steamy, and sometimes downright dirty too!

But if you and your partner are roaring to experiment, remember to keep the mood light and take it slowly.

Food is often a sensual experience on its own, and it can really spice things up in the bedroom too.

Bon appetite!

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