6 Simple Office Work Outs You Can Do At Your Desk And Increase Efficiency


Nowadays mostly people have sedentary lives which make them vulnerable to diseases due to lack of activity.

Sitting full day in front of computer without budging can lead to obesity, back pain, poor posture, body cramps, tense muscles, lethargic and several other hazardous health issues.

We all love our job but we cannot ignore our body also, right? The best way to fight against these adverse effects of 9-5 routine is exercise.

Here are some office work outs that can help you to improve body’s flexibility and strength.

  1. Carpal tunnel reliever.

Professionals who hardly disengage from keyboard can get the carpal tunnel syndrome. You can avoid this syndrome by doing a simple exercise every day. One has to stand at your desk, place your palms on the desk in a way that your fingers are pointing towards you. Lower your body to pressurize the wrist and hold in the position for 20 seconds. Do it for both hands one by one.


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