Hard Truths About Weight Loss

There are reasons why you have a hard time shedding those extra pounds, but if you arm yourself with knowledge, you can overcome all the obstacles.

There are reasons why you have a hard time shedding those extra pounds, but if you arm yourself with knowledge, you can overcome all the obstacles.

Your body works against you

When you try to lose weight, you are not only fighting your cravings, but also your own body. When you lose body fat, you decrease the hormone leptin, which signals your brain that you are full and you increase the hormone gherlin, which stimulates hunger. The bad news is that this hormone imbalance continues long after dieters succeed at weight loss, making it even harder for them to keep the pounds off. But if you try to cut too many calories for weight loss, your body will go into hibernation mode so that you don’t starve, and your metabolism will slow.

There are no quick fixes

Wishing you were 30 pounds lighter in time for your high school reunion next month will not make it so and there are no magic pills or miracle cures that can make it happen. You have to be patient because quick starvation diets can wreak havoc on your metabolism, damaging your weight-loss efforts for the long term. As you start your diet, remember that slow and steady weight loss is the easiest to maintain.

Exercise can’t conquer all

Yes, exercise helps you lose weight and keep it off but it’s nearly impossible to lose weight from exercise alone. To lose a pound of fat, you have to burn 3,500 calories more than you consume, so you can see how hard it is to exercise your way through a poor diet. Instead, you have to watch what you eat and exercise.

Diet supplements don’t work

Those little pills that claim to supercharge your metabolism are tempting, but there’s little evidence that they work.

One Diet doesn’t fit all

Every body is unique, so the diet that works for your friend, your co-worker, your mother, or your sister might not work for you. When looking at how best to lose weight, consider your health and family history, your metabolism, your activity level, your age, your gender, and your likes and dislikes. When you’re dieting, it’s important to allow yourself some foods that you enjoy or else you will feel deprived and be less likely to stick with an overall healthy eating plan. For weight-loss success, tailor your diet to your body and accept that one diet won’t work for everyone.

Building muscle is hard work

Because a pound of muscle burns more calories at rest than a pound of fat, an increased muscle mass is the key to a revved metabolism plus it helps you look more sleek and svelte. Unfortunately, many dieters skip strength training when in reality, it’s one of the most important components if your weight-loss plan. Schedule it into your routine two to three times a week, along with at least three 30-minute cardio sessions.

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