3 Calorie-Counting Rules for Weight Loss

Counting calories is easier and less time-consuming than you think. Follow these tips to get started:


Counting calories is easier and less time-consuming than you think. Follow these tips to get started:

Determine How Many Calories You Should Eat
How many calories you need to eat to maintain your current weight depends on factors such as your gender, age, height, weight and activity level. Your body uses about two-thirds of the calories you consume each day just to keep its systems functioning — your heart beating, your muscles moving. The rest of your calorie intake, according to My Calorie Counter, fuels everyday activities like walking around, exercising, typing an e-mail, doing a crossword puzzle.

Count How Many Calories You Actually Eat and Burn
You can track your calories online here for free or consult the nutritional information in our My Calorie Counter book or iPhone app when you are on the go. Don’t forget to log your exercise too. Find out how many calories you are burning with everyday and fitness activities.

Get Portion Savvy
Even if you can’t or don’t want to tally the calories you eat at every single meal or snack, adopting these little portion control tips can help you consume fewer calories without trying too hard.

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