How To Bag That Job When You Are Under-Qualified?

How to get a dream job

Prepare a cover Letter with company details and skill application intricacies

Where many candidates fail to get into the details of what the company actually wants/requires in a prospective candidate, you can impress and convince the recruiter to hire you even if you are under-qualified for the job by mentioning in the cover letter your achievements in the past companies and the fact that you are willing to be trained for the qualifications you do not currently possess. When you acknowledge the qualifications, the company requires that you do not possess as yet, it proves to the recruiter that you have read the employment ad well and have paid heed to the details the company has posted. Your humility and confidence will shine over the rest if you consider making a cover letter for your resume. Also, do not forget to mention the attributes you possess which might be beneficial to the company in your cover letter.

Cover letter

Cover letter

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