Career Skills In 2020: Prepare Yourselves For The Drivers Of Change

As the workplace environment and culture changes with time, so does the demand of employers. We tell you about a few skills that employers will look forward to in the coming years.

Employability skills are attributes that every jobseeker is expected to demonstrate and every employer demands.

As the workplace environment and culture changes with time, so does the demand of employers. To imbibe skills that are required to survive in ever changing job market is something that should be planned.

In the future, as workplaces become increasingly global and flexibility gets common in between workplaces, interpersonal skills will become all the more important.

We tell you about a few skills that employers will look forward to in the coming years. Read on.

1. Deeper Understanding
In the future, employees will be expected to determine the deeper meaning or relevance of what is being talked about. While technology would be able to help automate a certain task, it will not be able to reason or perform analysis, which is why an employee’s better understanding would be required.

2. Better social adaptability
While computers are designed to notify about errors in a certain program, professionals will be expected to connect with each other to sense and simulate reactions and desired interactions. Working with different groups of people involves interaction and the ability to adapt behavior.

3. Adaptive thinking
You may be all about innovation at present. But in the coming years, proficiency at thinking is going to be affected by what others think. It could even go beyond that which is rule-based. Finding solutions to unexpected situation in managerial or technical role will be the foundation of innovation.

4. Computational researching
When you have quite a good amount of knowledge about something, you seem to have a good hold on it. Computational researching would involve vast amounts of data into abstract concepts and understanding of data based reasoning. An employee would be expected to analyse and research on the data and make decisions based on the analysis.

5. Virtual collaboration
Team spirit is a key skill at present, and team spirit will continue to be a key skill even in the future. Adopting strategies for virtual team building and the ability to work productively as a menber of the team will be sought in prospective employees.

6. Cognitive load management
There are times when you get an excess of information on a particular subject. The information may or may not be required for developing a solution. Cognitive load management is a skill that uses techniques and tools to filter unwanted information, hence avoiding information overload.

7. Transdisciplinary
Companies would look forward to streamline processes and hiring employees who possess a well-rounded and varied career. An era of multi skilled and inter-disciplinary employees might emerge.

A future workplace will possibly thrive upon transferable work skills, thanks to the demand for multi skilled employees.
Staying updated on the latest trends in your sector, along with gaining exposure to other industries and disciplines will help your career progress.

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