These Are The Colours That You Should Wear Depending on Your Zodiac

Colors to wear as per zodiac signs

Colors to wear as per zodiac signs – Your zodiac sign says a lot about you, it brings forth your dark impulses, things that you get annoyed with, how trustworthy you are as a person and what are your characteristic nuances as a lover, spouse or a parent.

Similarly, you must align the colour of your clothes with your personality which reflects positively upon the onlookers.

There are different colours assigned for different zodiac signs that help them radiate their organic aura without even having to speak, such is the power of zodiac and such is the power of colours.

Here with suggesting you the right colors to wear as per zodiac signs :

Colors to wear as per zodiac signs –


Deep blood Red goes down well with the Aries people because they are cocky by nature. They have a fiery temper and born rulers. Red is symbolic of the passion to stop the world revolving on its axis and on the contrary, to soothe them down, warm colours like white and pink they are suggested to wear.


Colours like Pink, Cream and White go down well with their temperament. A Taurus should steer clear of wearing Red as it infuses negativity within you but something close of Red like Maroon is your favourable option .


Gemini always holds true with growth, freshness and creativity so green goes well with Gemini too. Also, there are black, white, pink and red which really suit your personality.


Cancer people are calm by nature so muted colours like Blue, White and Sea Green work for you. Yellow colour is deemed auspicious for you too. But since you are emotional to the core, Red have a stormy effect on it.


Your colour is the colour orange that suits well with your domineering nature. Wearing Orange will enhance your magnetic charisma of your personality. You can opt for other colours like Purple, Red and Gold.


Your go-to are the pastel and pale shades of all colours ranging from Peach to Mauve and Light Blue and Light Pink. You can also wear colours like Bottle green, moss green and green.


The mysterious and passionate Scorpio swears by Black and everything gothic pathologically. Darker shades of Purple, Maroon and Bottle Green appeal to you the most. You should steer clear of Pale shades and Pastel colors.


The colours like Orange, Red, Yellow and Canary Yellow are your picks. You can also opt for Yellows and Blues if you like. White, on the other hand seems a soothing option for you so go for it.



Shades of Brown and Khaki were made for you. We urge you not to wear Red very often but colours close to Red are permissible. White compliments a Capricorn the best and monochrome colours, especially black and white are their confidante.


What look appealing in them are violets and other colors that are psychedelic by nature.


A Piscean can wear Yellow to make work wonders on people. Pisceans are delicate by nature so an evolved Piscean’s poised attributes will be unnerved by violent shades. Also, A Pisces should keep the colour Green at arm’s length.

These are the Colors to wear as per zodiac signs – So, choose your colour wisely and make a difference.

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