6 Reasons Why Too Much Porn Sex Is Not Sexy At All!

  1. Too Much of Porn Has Devoid Sex of Being Sexy

The sex that is constantly being graciously spread over the internet is not sexy, in fact, most of it is quite graphic. Not everyone finds this sexy. Few things are just to be kept for the bedroom such as the moment of ejaculation. There is nothing pretty about it after the fact. The BDSM grossness and other horrifying images of sexual violence are nowhere near sexy. They are painfully nauseating, well at least to the people like me who believe sex is a blissful act which opens up the senses to more and more love and grants the utmost satiation.


However, all this is just limited to my personal opinion. No one is obligated to agree or bound to comply to it.

But we sure need to put SEXY back into SEX!

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