10 Things You Can Do To Immediately Feel Good About Self And Raise Self Esteem!


We all have rough patches when few hits of a self-esteem boost can work wonders!

The times when we are drowning in rejections, non-performance and failures. Those are the times when we need to motivate self, feel good about self, and put some energy back.

But even in the best of times, self-confidence is important, and I’d endorse that just about everyone could stand to remind themselves of their own amazingness, every now and then.

Here are 10 ways to tell yourself that you are amazing and raise back that lost self-esteem:

  1. Ask Your Friends For Help

Ask a few friends to make a list of things they love about you. You can also respond by writing down five things you love about them, and send it to your friends. Don’t be shy to ask friends to help in this endeavour — and you can repay the favour too. Reading good things about self, brings an instant pep!

  1. Ask Yourself Questions To Make A List Of Your Best Attributes

Ask yourself questions about your character to yield a list of your most special qualities. Give yourself queries such as “What have people complimented me on in the past?” “What are my talents?” “What do I feel happiest doing?” This is a great way to think of your loveliest traits, but also a good exercise in and of itself: Self-discovery is vital in the quest for higher confidence.

  1. To Gain Self-Esteem, Do Some Acts of Kindness

If you’re gloomy, do something to raise your opinion of yourself and your spirits. Volunteer at a slum class, help a friend with their project, pay your mother a visit, ask what you can do to help someone else in need. It’ll get your mind off yourself, and produce more self-respect in the process.

  1. Go On Dates

If you’re single, dates can be wonderful self-esteem boosters. That is, if you look at them in the right light. Someone thinks you’re worthy of an hour (or three) of their time. You think the same of them. This is a nice agreement in mutual interestingness. If you’re in a relationship, putting on your favourite clothes and going on a fun adventure with your love is a great way to get a little self-esteem kick. Not only does dressing your best make you feel better about yourself, intimacy and human connection always feels goo. And if you plan the date and treat your partner, you’ll feel awesome about yourself afterward.

  1. Masturdate

Get your mind out of the gutter 😀 I said ”masturDATE! And that is a great way to do something nice for yourself, which’ll make you feel loved and important. Masturdating is just a fun way of referring to a solo date. Whether you take yourself to the movies, eat at your favourite restaurant or go to the beach, alone time is necessary. Plus, a masturdate is just for you, and it reinforces the idea that you’re valuable. Hello, self-esteem uplift!

  1. Take Sexy Photographs of Yourself

Click yourself in your sexy attires and make an album. Optional: Send them to your trusted friends. Even if you just put them in the vault, taking a few minutes to loll about your bedroom in various states of undress or mimimal clothing for an impromptu photo shoot is a great way to remind yourself of your own beauty and hotness.

  1. Have A Solo Dance Party

Nothing raises the mood like blasting Beyoncé or whomever to yourself. Plus, endorphins always make someone feel good about themselves. Extra self-esteem points if you go mad-dancing over these numbers, like no one is watching.

  1. Treat YourSelf With Your Best

Whether it’s a day at the spa, the designer jeans you’ve been coveting or just a long afternoon curled up with a book, let yourself enjoy something deeply. By performing little acts of happiness for self, you’re underlining the idea that you’re important and to be cherished.

  1. Self Affirmations

I know they are mad cheesy, but they work. Stand in front of a mirror, look yourself in the eye and say “I love you”. If you can’t do it with a straight face, keep doing it with funny ones. One day, you’ll say it without cringing or laughing — and I mean it.

  1. Play The “I’m So Cool” Game

“I’m so cool because you make the most amazing pizza.” “I’m so cool because I always remember my friends’ birthdays.” “I’m so cool because my smile is highly infectious.” and so on. Keep saying that with a giggle. This game is so workable because it’s guaranteed to make you feel better about yourself, and it tells you that you are the best.

So here you go mates, make the best of it!

There’s nothing like a day with a raised self-esteem!

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