The Haunting Last Words Of These Famous Celebrities Will Surely Not Let You Sleep For Night!

Last words of these famous celebrities

Last words of these famous celebrities – People die but do leave imprints on people before they die.

I personally feel that the true value of a person is realized only when they are gone.

We have a list of famous celebrities whose last words are a complete story in itself. These words by celebrities before they took their last breath won’t let you sleep tonight, not because they are scary, but because they are too practical to digest.

It’s only on the death bed that people realize what actually holds major importance in a person’s life and it’s really spine-jolting.

Last words of these famous celebrities

  1. Bob Marley: “Son, money can’t buy life.”
  2. Jack Daniel: “One last drink, please.”
  3. Princess Diana: “My God, what’s happened?”
  4. Whitney Houston: “I’m gonna go see Jesus, want to see Jesus.”
  5. Kurt Cobain: “It’s better to burn out than to fade away.”
  6. Paul Walker: “We will be back in five minutes.”
  7. Michael Jackson: “More milk”
  8. Steve Jobs: “Oh wow. Oh wow. Oh wow.”
  9. Elvis Presley: I’m going to the bathroom to read.”
  10. Frida Kahlo: “I hope the exit is joyful and hope never to come back.”
  11. Jim Morrison: “Last words, last words out.”
  12. Heath Ledger: “Katie, Katie, look… it’ll be fine, you know, I just need to get some sleep.”
  13. Jane Austen: “I want nothing, but death.”
  14. Beethoven: “Friends applaud. The comedy is over.”
  15. Thomas Edison: “It is very beautiful over there.”
  16. Jimi Hendrix: “I need help bad, man!”
  17. John Lennon: “I’m shot”
  18. Amy Winehouse: “I don’t want to die.”

These are the Last words of these famous celebrities – Aren’t these clear enough to make you understand what was going in the mind of these people right before they died? Some of them didn’t even know that something of that sort could happen. It’s scary and it’s sad. One must learn to live their life to the maximum level because it the truest form, life is genie which keeps putting on different boxes on every step, the box might carry a surprise or a shock in them. You just need to keep moving. Life is very short to live the same day twice!

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