Clinging Onto Your Ex While Holding Onto A New Love

How to forget the past and move on in a relationship – They say people move on with life as soon as they find love.

They say people move on with life as soon as they find love.

Love makes a person enter into the all-new world where you build up a relationship with a person and grow with them. 

But then, there are situations in many people’s life when they cannot get over their past.

Every person has their particular past attached to them. You go through numerous emotions when you get into a relationship for the second time. When you are emotionally attached to a person, it does take time to get over them after they leave.

In fact, you might end up with a dilemma judging between the right person with past and the present relationship.

Rebound Theory

The rebound theory focuses on the fact that, you end up with a very different guy in your second relationship other than the person you dated initially. When you are dating, the other person it does happens that the person is unlike your ex and this may work as a major factor to fall for them. It does serve as change to you when you spend time with a new person. Rebound relationships may take you to a different level at first but it is very important that you realize at the right time.



Past keeps hitting back

Getting over the past relationship is not that easy, as it seems. It even gets worse when you are in the second relationship and you still tackle this problem. It is not necessary that you still have feelings for them, but it is hard to believe that it actually happened with you. One good advice can be discussing it with your present partner and clear out. You never know he may turn out to be a stronger person to help you out forgetting the past and step into a new life with him.



Higher expectations

When you enter into a second relationship, it does happen that you would not like to repeat the history again. Thus, in return you become more cautious and expect a lot from the person to keep you happy and the relationship on good pace.



You end up Comparing

Comparisons come in as a natural thing and one cannot help to control their emotions when they compare their present and the ex. It does happen that when you meet a new person the rewind button is on and then you observe things. In your mind you analyze on the behaviour, like if such a situation happens, then how would your ex react to it?


However, with time it is important that you get over such comparisons or you never know that you find that Mr. Right who will make you forget the past and be in love unconditionally!

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