8 Foods Every Guy Must Cook For His Girl For Romantic Times! They Are Damn Easy!!


Romance is a flavour of life that everybody longs to taste, but do not know the right ingredients to add.

A way to a man’s heart is through his stomach, but what many people don’t know is that the same way might also lead to women’s hearts too. Their man cooking for them is every girl’s dream. It is not just chivalrous, but very sexy too.

If you are planning a special date for your lady or if you want to make her special day even grander, do try your hand at these easy yet romantic foods and add more spice to your special times.

So here are Foods Every Guy Must Cook For His Girl For Romantic Times …

  1. Scramble Those Eggs

Breakfast in bed is a dream for every girl. Scrambled or sunny side up or French toasts- whichever is your girl’s favourite, she will love it served to her with love. Do not forget to add some cheese or mushrooms to make it more delicious. Not only will she love your effort, but will be charmed by your skill too.


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