Getting Over First Love Is NOT Easy And These Answers Will Tell You WHY!

First Love – For many, getting over first love is really, really hard.

I mean, you really cannot forget your FIRST LOVE easily. To be honest, you can never forget it’s magic. The butterflies you had in your stomach, staring, blushing stories, everything about first love is just so, so special. First love is something that will always hold a special place in our heart. It isn’t something that can be forgotten, even though you’re on the next chapter of your life. You know, no matter what; there’s a certain MAGIC in it and many people can’t escape it.

I still remember everything about my first love. Do you remember yours? So you do? I’ll assume that you do IF it has been special in some ways. We all know, that NOT every person on this earth is lucky enough to get to live their LiFe with their first love. I, honestly think that the ones out there who married their FIRST LOVE are the luckiest people.

I’m sure there are many out there who think the same thing.

First Love, I tell you.

Have you ever wondered “why” we can’t get over it? Memories? Yep, because of the memories we made. Or maybe because for the first time we saw someone and our hearts started beating faster & faster & faster. It was a pure magical thing.

Some people on Reddit shared “why” it is hard to let go not thinking about first love so easily. In many ways, I agreed to the points they shared because they are so relatable. I think, that many out there will surely relate to these reasons too. Yeah, you might’ve NOT experienced it in the same way but there’ll be some emotions that you might’ve experienced too and that’s something that’ll make it relatable.

So here’s what the Redditors have to say about the magic of FIRST LOVE. Some shared whether they REALLY get over their FIRST LOVE or not. I asked my FRIENDS about “why” they think it is unforgettable and they shared their points too.

Feel Free to share your story in the comment section below.


  • Love back then seemed like this special thing that selected you and you were just there for it and it was like all the movies and it was wonderful and great and the sun was always warm.
  • Because it happened for the first time. It is still special to me because it is my “first” and this makes it impossible to get over. I remember it till now because it can never truly fade away.
  • I still remember it. Even today after 30 years almost. It is special because I felt I suddenly bloomed when it happened to me. Till date, the person is special even though we no longer are together.
  • I definitely still think about him all the time. I wonder if he’s ok (his health was very poor) I wonder if he’s moved on, if he’s happy, healthy, enjoying life, if he’s finally learned to smile a little bit and stop being so stressed and angry all the time. (Memories)
  • I think when you share a lot of firsts together it makes it a lot harder to let them go completely.
  • If someone is your first, then they obviously hold a special place in your heart- it’s hard to forget people like that….usually.
  • You fall in love one time and spend the rest of your life trying to recreate that moment.
  • I remember it because it was special in many ways. We decided and created dreams about future. It didn’t worked out. It hurts a bit that you finally bring those dreams into reality with someone else and not the one you shared it with first.

First Love – What’s your story? Comment below.

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