Top 10 Dog Breeds Suited For Indians!

dog breeds for indians
  1. Saint Bernard

A ‘Gentle Giant’ , a Saint Bernard contrasts its powerful muscular stature with its gentle and dignified personality, friendliness and an amazing tolerance for children. They are slow moving, patient, obedient, extremely loyal, eager and willing to please. A full grown Saint Bernard stands somewhere between 25-30 inches at the withers and can weight a healthy 60-90 Kgs ( 132 -198 Lbs). Given their size, it’s very important to train them from an early age, when they are still of a manageable size and they are indeed quite easy to train. Given their lineage and genetics, Saint Bernards are amazing watch Dogs (frankly, who would ever want to confront a Dog this size) with incredible sense of smell and seem to have an amazing sense of impending dangers and therefore have been used for rescues worldwide.


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