What our homes lack today

While we are progressing towards mod and chic living, there are a few household things from yesteryears that can still be useful…

Achaar ki barni

I hardly see those big, earthen jars around anymore, where our moms and grannys used to store pickles which would last for years, without getting spoilt, and get distributed across families. Making pickles was a long, demanding process and storing it well was an equally challenging task. It still is but we don’t get to see it in front of our eyes, unlike yesteryears. These days we go to food stores and pick up a bottle or two any of those branded pickles and each time we gulp it down, we crib about it being not matching up to the standards set by our moms. And then, one of our friends returns from a home trip and surprises us with homemade achaar and we savour it to our heart’s content.


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